Activist Mediation Training
19-29 February’s proving popular. This also just in:
Want to learn mediation skills
Interested in helping support activist groups engage with disagreements and conflict, to make them more effective?
Want to deal with conflicts in your personal life that interfere with
your activism?
Mediation training for activists in London on 19-20 February, from 11am – 5pm.
The aims of these days are:
- To train people in conflict resolution skills that they can use in their own lives and activist work
- For people interested in volunteering with us to receive training and to meet with us to discuss taking it further.
You are expected to attend both days (please talk to us if you are
interested but this is not possible for you).
Day 1 – How we deal with conflict, Conflict resolution tools, Basic
mediation skills practice.
Day 2 – Mediation skills and process practice.
Details of the training days
Booking essential: Please email Please introduce yourself, explain what activism you are involved with, and what you hope to use your conflict engagement skills for. There will only be 12 places.
Venue: In central london. Wheelchair accessible.
Cost: We are asking for a £10 donation to fund expenses and help set up a travel fund to help with our mediation work. If money would prevent you from attending, then get in touch.
Creche: We are not providing creche facilities, but if childcare
issues are preventing you attending, please get in touch and we’ll try
and sort something out.
Lunch: Not provided. Bring your own or buy nearby.
Transport and Accommodation: Get in touch if you have any issues or can offer a lift.
For further information have a look at our website
January 31, 2011 @ 6:17 pm
yes, would consider traveliing for a training like this. I cant make this one ,I would find it easier to plan if I knew what was coming up in terms of raining,so. Is it possible to look at a rhizome events calendar? the very best with this event, enjoy.
in apprecitaion
February 2, 2011 @ 2:02 pm
Just to clarify, this isn’t our event. We’re just using the blog to point people at events we think might interest them. And as for not getting enough notice…. all I can say is that we post things up as soon as we hear about them. Sorry! We’ll definitely let you know about any events we’re putting on – hopefully with lots of notice!