Language, laptops and lethargy
A few things grabbed my attention whilst preparing for and facilitating the World Carfree Network‘s annual general meeting. As mentioned in the report back post, it was a very international gathering. I’ve noticed that these gatherings bring with them specific challenges for participation that I don’t encounter so often elsewhere.
There are the obvious ones like language, but in this instance we were able to use English as a common language with very few problems given the high standard of spoken English of all the participants.
No, the main challenge is the laptop or rather all of the laptops. Maybe it’s a ‘being away from the office’ thing – a perceived need to keep up with work via email. Maybe it’s more human than that – taking advantage of a venue’s wi-fi to skype friends and family back home. But laptops are suddenly everywhere in meetings. Look round your circle of participants and there could be as many as 30-40% of them with an open laptop on their knee. To my knowledge only one is taking minutes….. So are the rest distracted or focused? Does the laptop replace the visual learners need to doodle in order to increase access to the discussion? Or are they only half-listening and half web surfing?And during every break there’s a rush for the laptop with a comparable reluctance to return to the meeting at the end of the break.
I’m used to ‘phones off or on silent’ being a standard part of most group agreements that I negotiate with groups. Should laptops be added to the list?
Perhaps symptomatic of the same underlying issues is the lethargic response to calls for concrete action. After all, especially in the third sector, we’re busy people. We’re all stretched. Many of us are campaigners by both day and night. A group has done tremendous work reflecting, discussing, planning, consenting and then we get to implementing… and suddenly no one has the strength left to lift either hand or gaze when the moment comes to volunteer to take a project forward. OK so I’m exaggerating slightly, and I’m certainly not reflecting only on World Carfree Network here (they were pretty good as it goes), but all that hard work is in danger of slipping away unimplemented for lack of a volunteer working group… As a facilitator I find it a tough one. Sure I can throw a bit of weight around and cajole people into finishing the process off, but that’s not a role I’m comfortable with. Is it a reflection of the lack of substantial communication available to international working groups – that phone conferences don’t inspire in the way face-to-face meetings do, requiring more input for less outcome?
As always more questions than answers…
But before I stop, a brief reflection on agenda preparation. In this particular instance the WCN had done most of the hard work by the time I came along,and that seems to be common with the international organisations I’ve facilitated for. But it’s always harder to feel that you can inhabit such an agenda. It’s easier to live and breathe (and therefore facilitate) an agenda you’ve known and nurtured since conception. And yet I don’t always remember to have that conversation with groups. It’s an important one, and I enjoyed reading Gillian Martin Meher’s recent post on it.
August 13, 2010 @ 11:41 am
The link to Gillian’s post is broken. Help!
August 13, 2010 @ 12:09 pm
Thanks for spotting this – hopefully the link is now restored, but let us know if you still have problems.
August 15, 2010 @ 8:32 pm
Greetings to the Rhizome network! I enjoyed reading your post and also notice that- particularly after very facilitated, active and energising workshops- people are rather tired when it comes to contracting for next actions.
It is always interesting to know who are the real “owners” of the next actions (host institution, donor, etc.), as they can be helpful in bilaterally negotiating with some participants who are well placed to contribute post-workshop activity. Also, where possible it can be useful to start that discussion of next actions mid-way through the workshop, when people are in the creative stage. This way when they brainstorm, they are brainstorming things they want to/can do themselves, rather than things that they want other people to do. It might whittle down the scope a little, and at the same time help ensure that necessary follow-up. I will read more about your network, sounds very interesting! All the best, Gillian