Reframe 2
Like many of you, our dear readers, Rhizome-folks engage with the social tensions highlighted and created by the Brexit vote in many ways, having conversations on a personal level with family, friends and strangers, and facing the direct impacts of discrimination and status insecurity stirred up by the way the referendum campaign was fought. We are involved with a variety of political responses, whether that’s working for a credible political parliamentary alternative, making space for a narrative that runs counter to the strong and seductive mainstream one pushed by politicians and media or other extra-parliamentary campaigning efforts.
We also engage with the results of the Brexit vote on a professional level. Perry has been running a series of Talk Shop forums on the issues in the run up to the referendum, and since that time has embarked on supporting discussion around migration issues. Adam will be co-facilitating a session in Manchester around Brexit using Theatre of the Oppressed and Process Work approaches. Gill went to the first Reframe event back in July 2017: organised by Involve, it was an opportunity for facilitators from different approaches and situations to get together to explore what our role might be. So soon after the vote, there was much to process emotionally for all; as a facilitator, we believe it’s essential to be aware of what’s going on personally in any group situation, in order to be able to support the group to get where they need to go.
Fast forward to February 2018, and Reframe 2. Perry and Adam flew the Rhizome flag and attended this vibrant forum for facilitators to meet again and for the first time, to learn about the many different ventures people are involved with, and to explore potential areas of fruitful co-operation. Some initial specifically Brexit-related mapping to share:
Common Ground are getting people talking in the ten town that most heavily voted Leave.
Undivided explores what young people want from Brexit.
Deep Democracy Forums, currently in London every 2-3 months, open discussion at a deep level, based on Process Work methods, with the next one about migration.
Talk Shop is opening up conversations about immigration across the country.
There were many more interesting projects people are organising, facilitation approaches and theory that people shared, and we hope to bring you more about these in the future, and share with you the fruits of the exploratory projects we’re involved with as a result of the day.
Thanks to both the organisers and to all participants.