Rhizome's sixth birthday – walking, not running
Entering into our sixth year of existence, Rhizome wishes all our readers a happy year of learning and action. You may like us be on a journey, destination unknown, clutching your ‘values compass’ firmly in hand – we’ve blogged previously to share our attempts at an evolutionary process. On the other hand, you may be an organisation or group with a clear strategic masterplan with clear measurable outcomes. Either way, we welcome you as readers to interact with us, and are proud to have worked with a diversity of organisational cultures and models.
So what will you see from us this year?
Well, we’ll be blogging more regularly not only about exciting events and training, but also to share our inspiration and learning, and to demonstrate how facilitation, training and supporting groups and communities to grow in resilience and be better able to organise collectively, dynamically, innovatively, and effectively will lead towards a just and sustainable world. Plus show that we can write short and long sentences in the same paragraph. Stop press. You heard it here.
Watch out for our special 6th birthday tweets, and later in the year our website revamp, including new resources for your delight. We’ll also be show-casing some of the in-depth work we’ve been up to over the last couple of years.
Two notable and pretty comprehensive packages have been:
- working with staff and local groups at 38 Degrees to birth healthy local groups, to offer opportunities to reflect on how they work, and to improve facilitation and group-work skills;
- working with Co-operatives UK and other training co-ops to develop and run a suite of training for workers’ co-ops exploring communication and conflict, and decision-making, amongst others.
We’ve also been catching public transport throughout the UK to facilitate, work with conflict and train a wide range of groups, organisations and communities – from various kinds of co-ops, campaigners, NGOs, and grassroots groups, to Student Unions and schools innovating with consensus, and top international lawyers evaluating strategies and working together.
Take a look through our website, and do get in touch if there’s any support we can provide for you or exciting collaborations that we could make happen. We’re in this for the long-haul too, and would love to join you on your journeys, walking not running.