Sustaining Resistance, 2013
Tools for Effective-Sustainable Activism,12-20 October 2013, Catalan Pyrenees
!! Deadline to apply for fully funded places, including travel: 20 April 2013 !!
This residential training, hosted in a wild part of the Catalan Pyrenees, offers personal and collective tools to make our activism more effective.
Sustaining Resistance helps us:
- stay in it for the long haul, creating personal and group sustainability and adding continuity to our movement building.
- ensure the collective dimensions of our activism exemplify the values we are struggling for.
- stay inspired, nourished, empowered, & strategically creative.
The training applies ecological/systems thinking, radical analysis and holistic-participatory learning to the practice of activism and the building of social movements. It offers practical methods for engaging in the inner work that underpins effective social engagement. It will also bring together activists from across Europe to share practice and strengthen networks.
This 9 day residential training in a wild and remote part of the Catalan Pyrenees in Spain will also give you the opportunity to experience life in a land-based community based on simplicity, low-impact living and being close to the land.
For more information visit
Fully funded places: You may be eligible for a fully funded place on this course (including travel) please email by 20 April to ask for information about this.
Dana economy: Needs based – for those who are unable to receive grant funding we are able to explore reduced and bursaried places based on a dana economy for more information please visit
Full price: 717 Euros plus food, accommodation and local pick up (this amount represents full cost recovery, i.e. how much it actually costs to deliver the course and is only for those eligible for funding or with others means to meet these costs).
To apply for a place based on the dana economy or at full price, please email by end of June for an application form.