Climate Warning! Creating a map for what’s to come – Deep Adaptation event

Join us for a shared exploration of how to be and act in extraordinary times.
This is a professional, personal and creative gathering.
Part ‘Lab’, part facilitated journey, part Open Space.
The times are urgent. Let’s slow down together
When: Sunday December 16-Thursday December 20th, 2018.
Where: Venue somewhere near Totnes, to be finalised
Numbers: between 25-40 on different days
To attend please fill in this form to lodge your expression of interest so we can start to plan accommodation and other logistics.
Because of the urgency of this gathering, we are having to organise it with the best information we have at this time, and we will fill in the blanks as soon as they are confirmed.
Out of the kernel of hope that still burns brightly amidst our despair and hopelessness, we the organisers are issuing this call. We feel the pressing need for a creative response to Deep Adaptation taking many forms. As practitioners already working in the field of inner and outer change; resilient communities; Deep Ecology and systemic change, we have been moved by recent events, such at the publication of Jem Bendell’s paper ‘Deep Adaptation, A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy’, the latest IPCC report, the warnings of the Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and many others who are calling for urgent, far reaching changes to our way of life (for those of us in the industrialised world). We have gone beyond thinking we can design, develop, or technofix ourselves out of the unfolding collapse of our environmental, social, and economic systems. However, we believe that what we do now – will determine how we navigate these now apparent cycles of collapse and regeneration.
We are inviting people who are accepting the core premises of Deep Adaptation – which might be expressed simply as –
- Collapse of modern civilisation – inevitable
- Catastrophe – likely
- Extinction of humanity – possible
to come and explore how we support ourselves and each other to move towards effective and meaningful action during these times of turbulence and opportunity. We will be drawing on diverse strands of wisdom and experience, while acknowledging that in this time there is no proven or right way to act.
If you are moved to respond, want to share your questions as well as your experience, and want to take time to dive deeply into these central issues of our time, we invite you to join us.
Extraordinary times call on ordinary people to do extraordinary things. We ask, ‘If not us then who?’
Much of this event will be emergent and co created by its participants. We expect those attending to contribute as well as receive. There will be a facilitation team that will help frame the conversation and offer practices to support us to dive deep together. There will be opportunities to share experiences, stories, processes, information or anything that will enrich and deepen our agency. Perhaps what we discover or co-create will be useful for others wanting to find effective, inclusive, and meaningful responses.
A more detailed programme will be published nearer to the event.
What might come out of this gathering?
Forms for communicating Deep Adaptation which enable movement towards meaningful collective response
Creative, embodied practices for engaging more fully and acting more relationally
Forms for expressing grief and other responses which connect, resource and motivate us towards action
Deeper understanding of the causes of our destructive system, both personal and collective, inner and outer
Relationships and activities which go forward to create significant change in the world
Protocols for similar meetings
Cost: To be confirmed. This is intended as a peer to peer event, covering costs rather than making money, so the cost will be as low as possible
Place: Near Totnes
Dates and Times: Sunday December 16th 11.00 until Thursday December 20th 13.00. There will be options to participate for sections if you cannot make the whole event, and we hope scope for some remote participation.
Accommodation: There are plenty of Air B+Bs locally and we will try to make some couch-surfing available.
To attend please fill in this form to lodge your expression of interest so we can start to plan accommodation and other logistics.
Please don’t book your travel until your expression of interest has been confirmed.
Because of the urgency of this gathering, we are having to organise it with the best information we have at this time, and we will fill in the blanks as soon as they are confirmed.
We hope to see you there. Please pass this onto others who you feel might wish to attend.
Facilitation and organising team:
Naresh Giangrande
Sophy Banks
Ruth Ben Tovim
Toni Spencer
Ben Yeger
November 15, 2019 @ 6:17 pm
For mire on Jem Bendell and his concept of “Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy” see SpotlightON: – ExtinctionRebellion/RisingUP?/CompassionateRevolutionLtd, sub-section 3.1.50 and Appendix A7 (