The pitfalls of online meetings

Adam spotted’s blog on Power Dynamics and Inclusion in Virtual Meetings.

This far into using online tools instead of face-to-face meetings, it would be easy to believe we’re up to speed and doing a great job. We’ve probably all read a number of how-to guides and sat through webinars on facilitating online. Still, I’d urge you to read this thorough and thoughtful post. I have a feeling there’s something in there for everyone, however experienced in online facilitation they feel.

Rhizome’s own resources on Rank and Mainstreams and Margins may also be useful.

I’d also suggest our intro to facilitating challenging behaviour. Aspiration’s advice on the topic is sound, and as they identify it’s a big topic for an overview post. I’d love to read their detailed thoughts and experience on the topic. on

If I have anything to add to the topics it would be to highlight the danger that we assume problem behaviour is a product of the mainstream in a group and seek to silence it in our efforts to increase the diversity of participation. We need to be open to challenging behaviour being a reaction to mainstream behaviour coming from the margins. In this case our response as facilitators might be to support and even amplify the very behaviour we’re challenged by.

Like Aspiration, we’d be interested to hear your take on power in the world of online meetings. Thanks