Virtual Worker Co-op Weekend

Like many events, the annual Worker Co-op Weekend, Friday and Saturday of this coming week, can’t go ahead as planned. But a number of Co-ops, including Rhizome, are coming together with Co-operatives UK to deliver a programme of webinars, online discussions and workshop. If you’re a worker co-op take a look at the programme and sign up to a session or two. Better still, add your offering to the programme.

Rhizome facilitators will be running 2, possibly 3, sessions on Saturday 16th May:

Win-lose to Win-win

Saturday 16 May: 10.00-11.00 (9.00-10.00 UTC)
Zoom workshop

Too many decisions are taken on the basis of ‘winner takes all’. Brexit springs to mind. Rhizome is proposing a radically different alternative: win-win. We believe that this approach is both desirable and achievable.

We believe it is desirable because: more people have their needs met; it avoids the polarisation of win-lose; it creates healthier relationships; and it stimulates creativity.

We believe that it is achievable because: where the positions of different sides appear to be incompatible, there are ways to diagnose the cause and suggest a cure; there are practical examples of finding win-win solutions; and there are participatory processes that deliver those results.

Register here

Trouble in Paradise? Working with problem behaviour and strong opinion in your meetings

Saturday 16 May: 11.30-12.30 (10.30-11.30 UTC)
Zoom workshop

Strong opinion, and other problem behaviours can lock co-ops into conflict and confusion. Come to get a better understanding of the causes and of practical ways forward

Register here

See you there