Your meetings needn’t be so appalling
Regular commentator on this blog, Dwight Towers, brought the 30 year old booklet Co-operative and Community Group Dynamics…. or your meetings needn’t be so appalling to my attention. My interest was piqued so I found myself a secondhand copy. I can confirm it’s well worth a read. 30 years on and many of the lessons are still to be learnt!
The good news is that you can now view the booklet online along with an interview with Rosemary Randall, co-author a brief taste of which follows:
We were motivated by the possibility of bringing to the movement some psychological understanding of what happens in groups whether or not they have a formal structure, in particular of the unconscious processes in group life. We had this intuitive feeling that collective forms of organisation could be extremely creative, but they also had huge potential for destructiveness.