I expect, we expect, you disappoint
Lynn Walsh has posted on expectations with a nice link to some wise words from Craig Freshley, whose Group decision tips I look forward to browsing when I have more time.
Craig writes:
when we have expectations of others that don’t pan out it often leads to resentment which often brews discontent which often causes conflict. I have heard someone say that expectations are planned resentments.
If you get to his tips first and discover group-work gold, please report back in the comments.
March 1, 2011 @ 2:58 am
“expectations are planned resentments”
nods ruefully/laughs out loud.
All the more reason to make expectations/agreements very specific, with deadlines/service level agreements etc. But then of course that brings up the “what do we do if agreements aren’t honoured” problem. In business, there’s contract law. Within a corporation there’s performance review/appraisal etc. In voluntary/”non-hierarchical” organisations there’s moral suasion and not much else.
March 13, 2011 @ 10:20 am
Indeed, contracts, written agreements, job descriptions……they all set forth clear expectations. Sloppy expectations breed resentment. Expectations should be either really clear or non-existent.