The Beginners Guide to Consent

The following came round an email list I lurk on, so I visited the website and am very glad I did so. Take a look yourselves. I’d redcommend the interview with Oxford based activist and facilitator Clare Cochrane. Any way back to the main business of this post:

“The Beginners Guide to Consent is a zine on consent, consensus and collaboration. Deadline 17 June 2013.

Text (max 150 words) & image submissions are welcomed in response to these questions or related topics:

  • What is missing from current definitions of consent?
  • How can agreement be produced or engineered? What about doubt?
  • How does sexual consent relate to democratic decision-making?
  • Beyond “yes means yes”: what would a radical theory of consent look like?

Submissions will be exhibited at News From Nowhere at V2 Institute for the Unstable Media in Rotterdam during July 2013. They will be democratically edited into a series of print editions during workshops at the exhibition, and published online.”

I’d love to think that Rhizome would have something to say. But judging by how little we’re posting on our own blog nowadays, I have a feeling we might miss that deadline!
