Communicate and connect for common cause
In July the Common Cause Handbook, from which the quotation below is taken, was added to the original Common Cause report (along with lots of other nice stuff on the website)
“Social and environmental concern and action, it turns out, are based on more than simply access to the facts (a finding that may seem obvious, but has often proven difficult to fully acknowledge). In reality, both seem to be motivated above all by a particular set of underlying values”
Now there’s Finding Common Cause, the Training: A residential workshop for communicators and connectors, February 8th-10th 2012. At this workshop you will be able to:
- Consolidate your understanding of Common Cause principles and applications
- Explore participatory learning and facilitation methods and get ‘hands-on’ with our Common Cause workshop activities
- Develop practical ideas for engaging others about Common Cause in your network/sector/organisation
- Become part of a network of Common Cause communicators and catalysers
A friend of this blog, Casper ter Kuile is on the team bringing you the workshop and if his energy and excitement for the workshop is anything to go by, it should be good.
November 30, 2011 @ 1:19 am
Cheers Matthew – if anyone is interested in coming, give me a shout. caspertk (at)