Loose change or climate change?
Finance Team at Climate Camp are appealing for your cash. Here’s what they have to say:
Dear everyone,
The Edinburgh camp starts next week, but we really need some cash NOW. If you’re coming and can make a donation now, ahead of the camp, please do today. Or if you can’t come, but you support the camp, please donate today too! We need to pay for about £5,000 of stuff in the next ten days, and most of our income comes at the camp.
The best way to donate is right now via online or telephone banking. Our account details are:
Account Name: Camp for Climate Action
Account Number: 65204281
Sort Code: 08-92-99
For other ways to donate (slower, but still very much needed), see:
Entrance and participation in the Camp is free, to enable everyone to attend. When and where possible we have tried to get donations and skip materials. Nevertheless we cannot get away from incurring (significant) costs for marquees, food, plumbing, publicity, loo roll etc. We therefore ask for donations based on what people can afford. Suggested donations towards camp costs:
- Kids, free
- Teenagers, £5-10
- Adult on benefit £10-15
- Low-waged adult £15-20
- Average or above average wage £20-30, or more if you can manage it!
The suggested food donation is £7 per day (£3 for lunch or dinner, £1 for breakfast), but please give what you can afford.
Thanks a lot for any donations you can give 🙂
The Finance Team