Campaigning with Common Cause
This in from friend of Rhizome, Casper ter Kuile: Download these details as a pdf
This in from friend of Rhizome, Casper ter Kuile: Download these details as a pdf
Occupy London was in court last week. The court found against them and, subject to appeal, the City of London can proceed to evict. The occupation is illegal. I can’t help feeling that the power of the Occupy movement is tied into that very illegality. In a way I’m glad the court ruled as it […]
We talk a lot about consensus on this blog. Supporting groups to navigate the sometimes less than clear waters of consensus is a large part of our work. Over the last year or so I’ve spoken to several fellow consensus trainers about work we’ve done together from the 2005 G8 protests onwards. One of the […]
This just in…. If you go along, why not let us know how it goes?
I spent two days working with people from worker coops on the theory and practice of mediation. The first day also coincided with the UN International Year of Cooperatives. We started by looking at and discussing what mediation means – what mediation is and how it differs from other dispute resolution approaches some understanding conflict […]
Here in the UK undercover cops infiltrating activist movements has become big news. We’re not alone. In response to increased repression in Australia, Holly, over at Plan To Win has pulled together a very comprehensive list of security-related resources in her latest post: Spy vs Activist. Some snippets from a very thorough and full post: […]
Towards the end of last year I attended a discussion session to brainstorm ideas for the second Women of the World Festival, to be held March 9th-11th at the Southbank Centre in London. This was one of a series of 3 ‘think-ins’ facilitated by Jude Kelly, Artistic Director of the Southbank, to find out what women […]
There’s an excellent post, The Intuitive Facilitator, over at the FacilitatorU blog. If you’ve ever found yourself thinking or saying “I wish I’d gone with my instinct’ or ‘I knew I should have done that differently’ then I’d strongly suggest you read it. For the time-limited here’s my highlights: “As a facilitator, intuition helps me […]
As of yesterday, it’s International Year of Co-operatives, a UN initiative to promote co-operative models of business. Rhizome is a co-op, so it seemed a good idea to tell you a little about that – what does it actually mean, and why would we bother? I’ve been involved in 2 previous co-ops, both workers’ co-ops […]
I’m visiting Belgrade on family matters, and have been reading through the guide book in the apartment. Up the road is the huge Kalemegdan park and the Belgrade Fortress standing on a bluff overlooking the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers. There is a huge column with a statue of the Messenger of Victory […]